Bone and Calcium
Intro to Bone
•Specialized connective tissue
•hydroxyapatite (calcium phosphate & organic salts) deposited in collagenous matrix
•Highly vascularized
•Dense connective tissue that is hard and resilient, and capable of slowly changing as forces on the body change = viscoelastic
•Particularly strong because its mineral component imposes rigidity and resists compression & fibrous component provides some flexibility and resists tension and torsion
•Skeletal function- muscle attachment, RBC formation, support, calcium storage
study question:
why do bones need to be highly vascularized?
Bone Organization
study question:
what are the roles of the two different types of bone?
Cortical Bone
arranged in osteons
osteons: rings of bone cells and layers of bone matrix (lamellae) around a central canal
other components:
Sharpey’s fibers
study question:
describe this graph.
Cartilage has a lower modulus of elasticity than bone
more flexible and elastic
Viscoelasticity – a property of natural materials such as bone and cartilage
modulus of elasticity is not constant, it increases gradually with increased load
biomechanical behavior changes with the rate at which the material is loaded
Structure of Bone
Fibroblasts - general connective tissue cell
Secrete an extracellular matrix
Transform into osteoblasts that produce a characteristic matrix of collagen fibers and protein polysaccharides (glycosaminoglycans/proteoglycans)
The first formed matrix, called osteoid, becomes calcified by binding of calcium phosphate crystals to the collagen fibers
These crystals are in the form of hydroxyapatite
Bones cells include:
osteoblasts – produce bone
osteoclasts – remove existing bone
osteocytes – maintain equilibrium
study question:
what is the difference between osteoblasts, osteoclasts, and osteocytes?
Internal Design of Bone
Wolff’s law - remodeling of bone occurs in proportion to mechanical demands placed on it
Piezoelectricity - low-level electrical charges.
Surface charges arise within any crystalline material under stress
Negative charges under compression
Positive charges under tension
Specific modeling response may follow charge patterns
Tissue Response to Metabolic Stress
unstressed tissue, declines and decreases in prominence
stressed tissue, builds up and increases in prominence
cell division under stress
tissues types transform from one type to another
Cartilage that becomes ossified
study question:
explain the differences between these.
Tissue Response to Metabolic Stress
Hormonal control
Hypertrophy - loading stimulates osteoblasts & calcitonin prevents Ca+ release
Atrophy - disuse stimulates osteoclasts & parathyroid hormone causes Ca+ release
Ca+ blood levels trigger proper hormone to control negative feedback loop to maintain blood and bone Ca+ levels.
Bone Cells and Remodelling
Normal Bone vs Bone with Osteoporosis
study question:
what causes osteoporosis?
Calcium Food Sources
Most abundant divalent cation of the body
99% in bones and teeth
In addition to milk and dairy, certain green vegetables are high in Ca
Meats, grains, and nuts are not good source
study question:
what is the relationship between calcium and bone formation
Digestion, Absorption, Transportation
Acidity in the stomach helps solubilize dietary calcium
Active Transport (major mechanism)
Primarily in duodenum and proximal jejunum
Vitamin D dependent
TRPV6 (Ca Transporter 1) transports Ca2+ across brush border membrane
Calbindin D transports Ca2+ across brush border and across the cytoplasm of enterocytes
Ca2+/Mg2+ ATPase pumps Ca2+ from inside enterocytes to blood
Role of Calcitriol
Passive Process (paracellular)
Throughout the small intestine, mostly in jejunum and ileum
Enhancers: fructose, oligosaccharides, insulin
Large intestine also plays a role in calcium absorption
Bacteria in the colon can free calcium bound to some fermentable fiber such as pectin
Fermentation products lower colon pH
Calcium binds to albumin and pre-albumin while in transport in blood
Regulation of Extracellular Calcium
Regulation of Intracellular Calcium
Intracellular calcium concentration can be increased
By increased transport from outside of the cells triggered by depolarization, hormones, and neurotransmitters (first messengers) second messengers
By (such as cAMP) that triggers calcium release from endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria
Increase of intracellular calcium concentration allows calcium to carry out its functions
Some consider calcium an example of “third messenger”
Calcium Functions and Roles
Calcium and bones
99% of total body calcium is found in bones and teeth.
Calcium plays a critical role in mineralization of bones
Bone serves as calcium reservoir in regulation of extracellular calcium concentration
Ca2+ blood clotting
Required for conversion of prothrombin to thrombin (also see Vitamin K)
Early step (damaged vessel)
Fibrinogen (soluble) --> Fibrin (insoluble)
EDTA ties up Ca2+ so no clotting --> get plasma
Calcium and muscle contraction
Ca2+ acts as intermediate between nerves and muscles
Works with ATP for actin and myosin to connect
Afterward, Ca ions return to intracellular stores
Calcium and nerve transmission
Transfer of message to target cells via neurotransmitter release
Calcium and cellular metabolism
Via calcium binding protein = calmodulin
Leads to activation of enzymes (kinases)
study question:
explain the different processes for internal and external regulation of calcium
Calcium Deficiencey
RDA has been established (2010)
Risk factors
Vitamin D deficiency
Low dietary intake
Impaired absorption
Atrophic gastritis (low acidity in the stomach)
Low estrogen accelerates loss of calcium from the bones
Hypocalcemia may result in tetany
Intermittent muscle contractions that fail to relax
Chronic low dietary calcium intake has been associated with
Colon Cancer
study question:
who is most at risk for a calcium deficiency
Calcium Toxicity
UL has been established
Milk Alkali Syndrome
Due to consumption of large amount of milk or antacids
Deposition of Ca in soft tissues (more prevalent in patients with renal failure)
Systemic Alkalosis
study question:
who is most at risk for calcium toxicity
Clinical Assessment
Colorectal cancer
Proposed mechanism: in the colon Ca binds to fatty acids and bile acids which act as promoters of cancer
More evidence is needed for a formal recommendation
Lead toxicity
Lead absorption is inversely related to dietary calcium intake
Serum calcium is tightly regulated therefore is not a good marker for calcium status
Serum Ca2+ level reflects alterations of Ca metabolism
Needs to consider albumin level as well
Bone mass is best tool to assess calcium status
DEXA is used to measure bone mineral contents
Best method to measure bone mineral contents; accurate, repeatable