Energy Expenditure, Energy Balance, Body Composition
Food Composition
Direct calorimetry (heat release) vs. indirect calorimetry (O2 consumed)
Physiological fuel value - what the body gets out of food
Bomb Calorimeter:
measures energy of combustion for a particular macronutrient
Value is adjusted lower than that measured by "the bomb"
4kcal per g of CHO
4kcal per g of protein
9 kcal per g fat
7 kcal per g alcohol
Energy Balance
sum of all energy provided by food and beverage consumed
derived from the oxidation of carbs, protein, fats and alcohol
physiological process
heart beats
Intake > Output = weight gain
Components of Energy Expenditure
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
metabolic rate at rest following sleep (no food and thermoneutral environment)
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR)
​at rest in comfortable environment, not fed, but not fasted (not digested)
usually approx 10% higher than BMR
Differs from Total Daily Energy Expenditure
Thermic Effect of Food (TEF)
heat created by food digestion
protein has highest TEF (20-30%)​
CHO (5-10%)
Fat (0-5%)
Diet-induced Thermogenesis
the increase in energy expenditure above basal level divided by the energy content of the food ingested (a percentage)
Adaptive thermogenesis
restriction in diet = slower metabolic rate
basal thermogenesis (heat)
a measure of the bodys energy expenditure (BMR)
aside from BMR, we must also consider
exercise induced thermogenesis (EAT)​
diet induced thermogenesis (DIT)
non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT)
adaptive thermogensis
study question:
what are factors that affect basal metabolic rate?
study question:
what are the pros and cons of each of these?
Food Intake and Satiety
lower-fat foods can be eaten in bigger portions for the same number of kcals
other factors that determine satiety
nutrition satus
GI satiety signals
gut enzymes
gastric emptying rate
gut microbiota
behavioral response to food
central control via vagus nerve​
anorexigenic (appetite suppressant)​
orexigenic (appetite stimulant)
neuropeptide Y
study questions:
how do these hormones work? Think:
what do anoexigenic/orexigenic hormones produce? what do they inhibit?​
what is the relationship between:
leptin and insulin?
adiponectin and insulin?
ghrelin and neuropeptide Y?
what is the difference between:
leptin and adiponectin?​
ghrelin and neuropeptide Y?
do obese individuals have increased or decreased circulating leptin?
signals body to stop eating, stop storing fat and increase energy expenditure
correlation between BMI and [leptin] is 0.9
extra-hypothalamus functions:
FA oxidation via AMPK reaction​
inhibits insulin secretion
suppression of insulin signaling in hepatic cells and both white and brown adipose tissue
Relationship between Leptin and Insulin
leptin decreases insulin release through a feedback loop regulated by leptin sensitive pancreatic beta cells
at the adipocyte, insulin unregulated GLUT-4 and LPL which leads to increased TAG synthesis
exhibits anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-atherogenic effects, and it also functions as insulin sensitizer
influences macronutrient metabolism via AMPK activation
stimulates release of neuropeptide Y to increase food intake
peak ghrelin concentration related to meal patterns and may rise in anticipation of eating rather than elicit feeding
influences AMPK --> AMPK + Pi (activated form)
Neuropeptide Y
neuroendocrine factor that stimulates appetite, increases fat storage decrease EE
Hormone Summary
Body Weight, Body Composition, and Health
Body composition
weight alone does NOT determine health​
Body weight
BMI - indication of adiposity​, does not actually determine body fat %
high BMI does not always equal high fat %​
example: Arnold Schwarzenegger had a BMI of 33.4!
study questions:
what are some reasons BMI is not a good indicator of adiposity and bad health?
which is a better indicator of health: body composition or body weight? Why?
Body Fat and Distribution
some people need less body fat
overweight and obese individuals​
individuals at high risk for CVD, cancer and T2DM
some people need more body fat
menstruating women​
underweight individuals
fat distribution
intra-abdominal fat (visceral)​
central obesity (subcutaneous)
android (apple) vs gynoid (pear)
study question:
excess of which type of fat distribution is worse for overall health?
increased health risk:
BMI of ≥25​
BMI of ≤17.9
waist circumference of
men: >40in​
women: >35in