Cholesterol and Cardiovascular Disease
Cholesterol (CHL)
sterol, only from animal sources
diet and body synthesis (liver and intestine)​
1/3 from diet, 2/3 from synthesis
cells membrane stability​
bile acid precursors
vitamin D synthesis
precursors for other hormones
can cause plaque build up and clots in arteries​
study question:
relative to this information, what are the pros and cons of being a vegetarian?
Cholesterol Synthesis
normal, healthy adults synthesize approx. 1g/day and consume 0.3g/day
precursor to CHL --> cytosolic acetyl CoA
carried from mitochondria to cytosol as citrate​
citrate is then converted to acetyl CoA and OAA
Three phases
acetyl CoA units condense and form mevalonate​
mevalonate forms squalene
squalene cyclizes to form lanosterol, eventually forming CHL
regulation-feedback regulation in most tissues
CHL and bile salts repress synthesis of HMG CoA reductase​
liver HMG CoA reductase​ is also regulated by
phosphorylation and dephosphorylation​
study questions:
how can we up and down regulate HMG CoA reductase?
in what organ is the rate of cholesterol synthesis increased?
Dietary Cholesterol
Animal Foods
egg (especially in yolk)
tends to follow sat fats
Mostly occurs as CHL esters (CE)
must be hydrolyzed before absorption
micelle (requires bile acids from CHL in liver)
mixes all fat
uptake into mucosal cell
study question:
why is this?
digested and absorbed in the enterocyte - packaged with other lipids into chylomicrons as CEs
TAGs hydrolyzed by LPL at adipose tissue - storage/energy​
CHL returns to liver by chylomicron remnant receptor
50% of dietary CHL is digested and absorbed
varies with diet​
increased with sat fat​
decreases with PUFA and MUFA
transported though lymph to liver
liver adds newly synthesized CHL to remnants of chylomicrons and VLDL​
Cholesterol Metabolism
Transport to cells - as TAGs are lost, VLDL becomes enriched with CHL as CEs
eventually becomes LDL​
cellular absorption - LDL binds to LDL receptor​
CHL is dumped inside via endocytosis
free CHL available to inhibit cell synthesis​
excess free CHL migrates to membrane
Reverse transport back to liver - excess picked up by HDL
re-esterfied via LCAT​
CHL + lectin = CE​
also by ACAT
CHL + FA = CE​
Balance between diet and endogenous synthesis to meet membrane needs
increased CHL in blood involves HDL and LDL
serum CHL can be from LDL, HDL, or VLDL
Measuring Cholesterol
measure total CHL
do a TAG assay as indirect measure of VLDL
due to fasting, there are no chylomicrons so all TAG will be associated with VLDL​​
treat plasma so only HDL-C left
get LDL-C by subtracting others from total
LDL-C = TC - HDL-C - TAG/5​
TAG/5 assumes 20% of all TAG in VLDL​
friedwald equation​
get errors if not fasting
cannot use friedwald equation with hypertriglyceridemia
there are alternatives equations
Syndrome X - Metabolic Syndrome
reduced ability for a given level of insulin to promote cellular uptake of glucose and suppress blood levels of FFAs
hyperinsulinemia/glucose intolerance​
disturbed coagulation
central body fat
elevated [uric acid]
Contributing Factors
genetic predisposition​
body weight/fat distribution
PA patterns
dietary patterns
Insulin Resistance Syndrome​
Metabolic Cardiovascular Syndrome
Plurimetabolic Syndrome
Deadly Quartet
study question:
How could CHL contribute to syndrome X?
Metabolic Syndrome and CHD Risk
metabolic syndrome is characterized by several mild distributions that are often overlooked
in combination, these abnormalities accelerate atherosclerosis and increase risk for clinical CHD
because these metabolic disturbances are interrelated, traditional statistical methods have underestimated the impact of joint risk factor disturbances
Cardiovascular Disease
degeneratuve disease of the vascular endothelium​
disease process though to start in the endothelial layer
principle players include:
immune system cells​
early response: increased adherence of monocytes and T-lymphocytes
LDL lipids taken up by phagocytic cells
phagocytic cells no engorged with lipid
now called foam cells​
uptake of foam cells causes the infiltration of more lipids into the endothelium
lesion known as fatty streak​
as lipid accumulates, the vessel becomes increasingly occluded
getting too narrow can obstruct blood flow, may lead to heart attack and stroke
Role of inflammation
early response: increased adherence of monocytes and T-lymphocytes to the area​
produce cytokines​
cytokines attract phagocytes to the area
endothelial cells produce CAMs via a signal transduction pathway turned on by inflammatory factors and free radicals (ROS)
acts like glue​
attracts more cells to the site
Reducing CHD Risk
Reduce circulating lipids
many treatments directed at lowering serum CHL, because it is the main component in plaque​
it's how CHL is distributed between LDL and HDL
Other treatment focal points
protecting endothelial function​
anti-inflammatory agents​
Improving blood flow
increase NO production​
preventing platelet aggregation
protect vascular integrity
Increasing protective compounds
hormone replacement therapy​
Reducing other risk factors
The best for both prevention and treatment are lifestyle changes
Dietary Lipids
Some can lower CHL
PUFA (hypocholesterolemic) and MUFA​ (neutral)
omega-3 and omega-6
Some increase CHD risk
total fat, SFA (hypercholesterolemic), trans, cholesterol​
raises LDL-C and lowers HDL-C​
The specific FA is important
​hypocholesterolemic, hypercholesterolemic, and neutral
​hypercholesterolemic FAs may operate by:
suppressing secretion of bile acids​
enhancing CHL and LDL synthesis
by reducing HMG CoA reductase​
by inhibiting LCAT activity of receptor-mediated uptake of LDL
study question:
What is the difference between ​hypocholesterolemic, hypercholesterolemic, and neutral FAs?
Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes Diet
Individuals are recommended to consume the following
less than 7% total kcal from sat fat
25-35% total kcal from fat
less than 200mg CHL per day
limit sodium to 2400mg per day
consume enough calories to achieve or maintain a healthy weight and reduce blood CHL levels
Drug Therapy
HMG CoA reductase inhibitors (statins)
interrupting the formation of CHL by inhibiting HMG CoA reductase​
lowers LDL CHL levels
anti-inflammatory responses
plaque stability
endothelial functions
Bile sequestering agents
work in the intestines by promoting increased disposal of CHL and bile acids
bind bile salts in the intestine and allow fat, cholesterol, and bile acids to be eliminated in the stool
decrease CHL absorption
interrupted enterohepatic circulation of bile acids --> increased fecal loss of bile acids --> icnreased bile acid synthesis in liver using CHL
raises HDL CHL levels and lowers TAG levels
agonists of PPARα receptor
Nicotinic acid (niacin, B3)
—Works in the liver—affects production of lipids (lowers triglycerides, lowers LDL-C and raises HDL-C
—Need a dose hundreds times of RDA