B Vitamins and Energy Metabolism
Mechanisms of Function & Deficiency
eliminate chronic deficiency
marginal/chronic deficiency​
subtle, takes a while to appear​
severe/acute deficiency
symptoms in a few weeks​
enhancement of healthy pathways of cells metabolism
trace elements as cofactors of enzymes​
at levels far greater than those in usual diets, certain micronutrients develop beneficial new actions
micronutrient deficiencies are widespread due to:
food refining, processing and storage
fortification ​and enrichment help
depletion of minerals and trace minerals from agricultural methods
poor diet choice
dietary limitations
increase requirements due to pollution
malabsorption due to drugs alcohol, caffeine, etc. ​
international units (I.U.s)
measurement of biological activity​
mg or μg
measurement of weight​
study question:
why are measurements for vitamins required?
reference values
quantitive estimates of nutrient intakes​
to be used for planning and assessing diets for healthy people
refer to average daily nutrient intake of individuals over time
The FDA sets DRIs - the highest amounts of daily vitamins that are needed by 95% of the population
difference between DRI and RDA
DRIs are a set of 4 reference values
estimated daily average (EAR)​
recommended dietary allowance (RDA)
adequate intake (AI)
tolerable upper intake levels (UL)
study question:
explain the difference between EAR, RDA, AI and UL
Fat vs Water Soluble
vitamins are not chemically related and differ in physiological roles
based on solubility in different solvents, vitamins are classified as fat or water soluble
differ in digestion and absorption, transport and storage, and likelihood of developing toxicity​
study questions:
which vitamins are water soluble? fat soluble?
what are the differences between fat and water soluble?
vitamin A, D, E, K
importance of fat solubility
absorption similar to dietary lipids​
absorbed when other fat absorption is taking place​
need bile salts to emulsify
anything that interferes with lipid absorption interferes with absorption of fat soluble vitamins
must have dietary fats in diet to properly absorb these vitamins
after being absorbed:
transported like other non-polar lipids​
extraction from blood and analysis requires solvents
storage: in lipid fraction (ex. liver)
with high consumption, fat-soluble vitamins can accumulate in the body and cause toxicity
B vitamins and vitamin C
absorbed into the blood portal
cannot be retained by the body for long periods of time
storage occurs when binding to enzymes or proteins
excess excreted in urine, hard to reach UL
diverse functions
B enzymes often need coenzymes to function​
Thiamin (B1)
Thiamin Food Sources
wide distribution in foods
has several forms
free thiamin​
animal products
thiamin hydrochloride​
thiamine mononitrate
study question:
what are the differences between the different forms of thiamin?
Digestion, Absorption, and Storage
Phosphate groups in TPP have to be hydrolyzed before thiamin can be absorbed
​`phosphatases/pyrophosphatases in duodenum
Absorption mainly occurs in jejunum
may be controlled by corticosteroids
passive diffusion at high intake (2.5mg)
active transport occurs in duodenum when concentration is low (<2uM)​
active transport at basolateral surface into blood is Na+ linked
Factors that interfere with thiamin availability
absorption inhibited by alcohol and pyrithiamine (antibiotic)
pH >8, heat, cooking with water
thiaminases in raw fish destroys thiamin
cooking fish inactivates the enzymes​
polyphenols in coffee and tea
thiamin can be protected by vitamin C and citric acid
Thiamin in blood is either in it's free form, as thiamin monophosphate (TMP) or bound to albumin
uptake is by tissues
facilitated diffusion in RBCs​
needs carrier, but no energy​
requires energy in other tissues
Storage: approx 30-50mg in body
approx 10-20 days, depletion occurs in a few weeks
approx 80% in form of TPP/TDP
10% TTP
10% TMP
mainly in skeletal muscle (50%), liver, heart, kidneys and brain
aka metabolically active organs and tissues​
rephosphorylation occurs in the cytosol of tissues
Conversion and Activation
Thiamin Functions
Non-coenzyme Roles​
membrane and nerve conduction​
dependant on TTP​
TTP activates inon transports in nerve membranes​
TTP may be involved in nerve impulse transmission by regulation of Na+ channels and acetylcholine receptors
found in brain​
synaptosomal membranes
regulation of Na+ permeability​
cholinergic nerves
synthesis of GABA​
possibly a role in synthesis of myelin
study question:
explain the differences in coenzyme vs non-coenzyme functions of thiamin
Coenzyme Roles​
synthesis of pentose and NADPH in PPPs
TPP is a coenzyme necessary for transketolase in PPP​
energy transformation
macronutrients are oxidized when we need to release stored energy to support physiological and biochemical processes in our body​
TPP is a coenzyme in the PDH complex​​
​necessary for oxidative decarboxylation of:
Thiamin Deficiency
Risk Factors
chronically low intake
Increased Need
pregnancy and lactation
strenuous PA and sports
dialysis/loop dietetics
Beriberi - disease caused by thiamin deficiency
causes muscle weakness, which leads to weak contraction and vasodilation
one of the symptoms is anorexia --> weight loss
untreated cases can lead to:
hypertrophy, altered heart rate​
apathy, confusion, irritability, short term memory
Dry Beriberi
caused by chronic low intake coupled with increase CHO intake
more thiamin is needed to run glycolysis and TCA to oxidize increased CHO​
muscle weakness, muscle wasting, peripheral neuropathy
"burning feet syndrome"​
exaggerated reflexes & diminished sensation and weakness in limbs
muscle pain and tenderness and difficulty rising from a squatting position
Wet Beriberi
characterized by more extensive cardiovascular manifestations
rapid HR​
enlargement of the heart
edema, especially in lower body
difficulty breathing
congestive heart failure
study question:
what are the physiological differences between wet and dry beriberi?
What about acute and cerebral?​
Acute Beriberi
anorexia, vomiting, weight loss
caused by parenteral nutrition
nutrition delivered outside the digestive tract​
Cerebral Beriberi
can cause wernicke's encephalopathy and wernicke-korsakoff's syndrome
risk factors:
gross malnutrition
parenteral nutrition
Thiamin Toxicity
No established UL
excessive intravenous and intramuscular dose may cause:
anaphylactic shock
Clinical Application
congestive heart failure
increases CO and left ventricular ejection​
lactic acidosis
​thiamin deficiency leads to one type of dementia, Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
parkinson's disease
may be protective against​
nerve disorders
transketolase activity in RBCs
is an enzyme in the PPP that is thiamin dependent​
if deficient, adding thiamin will lead to increase in transketolase activity
increase <15% = adequate​
increase 15-25% = marginal
increase >25% = deficient
Riboflavin (B2)
Riboflavin Food Sources
Found in a wide variety of foods
free riboflavin, FAD, FMN
most is found as FAD (67%)
milk and dairy (riboflavin)
eggs (riboflavin)
meat (FAD/FMN)
legumes (FAD/FMN)
green veggies (FAD/FMN)
study question:
what are the differences between the different forms of riboflavin?
Digestion, Absorption, Storage
riboflavin bonded non-covalently with proteins in food can be released by gastric acid and enzymes in the intestine that hydrolyze proteins
riboflavin as FMN and FAD needs to be freed​
riboflavin from animal products are better absorbed
high absorption rate of 95%
Intake ∞ absorption up to 27 mg in a single dose, no further absorption after 27mg
absorption increased by deficiency, bile salts and psyllium, absorption is down regulated by high doses​
main form is free riboflavin, bound the plasma proteins such as albumin and globulin
total body reserve is equivalent to meet metabolic demands for 2-6 weeks
after assimilation, riboflavin is converted into coenzyme forms
wide tissue distribution especially in liver, small intestine, kidneys, heart
Riboflavin Functions
FAD and FMN function as coenzymes for a wide variety of oxidative enzyme systems and remain bound to the enzymes during redox reactions
able to accept or lose 1-2 H atoms
1 e- transferred through radical semiquinone structure​
2 e- transferred through fully reduced hydroquinone structure
Coenzyme for many sits of redox in energy producing pathways
TCA cycle​
antioxidant enzymes
helps convert other B vitamins into coenzymes
study question:
how do the riboflavin coenzymes assist these pathways?
Riboflavin Deficiency
rarely occurs alone, usually accompanied by other nutrient deficiencies
risk factors:
thyroid disease
Deficiency can also cause:
seborrheic dermatitis
angular stomatitis
Riboflavin Toxicity
No established UL
No toxic or adverse affects of high riboflavin intake in humans are known
large dose can lead to harmless yellow color in urine
Clinical Application
antioxidant functions
low mitochondrial energy reserves increases migraine frequency​
riboflavin influences mitochondrial dysfunction and thus reduces migraine frequency
skin and mucous tissues
Riboflavin Application
the most sensitive method is to measure the activity of RBC glutathione reductase which requires FAD as coenzyme
activity coefficients (AC) are determined with and without adding FAD to RBC culture medium
when FAD is added:
AC < 1.2 = adequate​
AC 1.2 - 1.4 = low
AC >1.4 = deficient
Niacin (B3)
study question:
what are the differences between the different forms of niacin?
Niacin Food Sources
in corn, wheat and some other cereal products, niacin may be bound to
complex CHO --> niacytins​
small peptides --> niacinogens
treatment with bases such as lime water (CaOH) can improve availability of bound niacin
NAD can be synthesized in the liver from tryptophan
not an efficient source​
60mg tryptophan = 1mg niacin​
other micronutrients needed to support this pathway as well: FAD, iron, B6
Digestion, Absorption, Storage
can be absorbed in stomach, main absorption site is small intestine
nicotinamide is the main form in the blood
most readily absorbed​
nicotinamide is the primary precursor for NAD
in liver, nicotinic acid can be used to synthesize NAD
niacin is trapped inside cells as NAD or NADP (coenzymes)
Niacin Functions
main role of NAD+/NADH is to transfer electrons from metabolic intermediates through ETC to generate ATP
major coenzyme in redox​
oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate
beta oxidation
NADPH acts as a reducing agent in many biosynthetic pathways
fatty acid de novo synthesis​
cholesterol synthesis
steroid hormones synthesis
Niacin Equivalent (NE)
1g of high quality (complete protein)
10mg tryptophan​
60mg tryptophan = 1mg niacin
therefore, 6g complete protein = 1 mg niacin = 1 NE
typical US diet contains 900mg tryptophan
tryptophan provides approx 50% of NE​
study question:
describe the relationship between niacin and tryptophan
Niacin Deficiency
Pellagra in humans
causes 4 Ds
risk factors/causes
inadequate dietary intake​​​
diseases that interfere with niacin absorption
prolonged treatment with the anti-tuberculosis drug: isoniazid
diseases that increase use of niacin
study question:
how does alcoholism cause deficiency for thiamin, riboflavin and niacin?
Niacin Toxicity
Niacin from food is not known to cause toxic effects
nicotinamide is generally better tolerated
large dose of nicotinic acid, >1g/day
vasodilation effects​
GI problems
liver injury
glucose intolerance
study question:
thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin do not have ULs. why are none of these vitamins toxic?
Clinical Application
pharmacological doses of nicotinic acid are 2-4g/day, lowers plasma cholesterol
shown to be useful in treating hypercholesterolemia
mostly acts by reducing fatty acid mobilization from adipose tissue
also depletes glycogen stores and fat reserves in skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle
elevation in blood glucose and uric acid production, therefore not recommended in patients with diabetes or gout
high doses of nicotinamide (3g/day) are used to protect beta-cells in the pancreas of those newly diagnosed with T1DM
delay independence on insulin​
could also delay neuropathy of neuropathy in diabetes