Other Minerals
Zn, Cu, Cr, I, Mn, Mo
—Found in body mainly as Zn2+
—In food bound to proteins and nucleic acids
—Heat treatment can cause zinc to form complexes that resist hydrolysis
—Malliard browning inhibiting zinc absorption
Zn Digestion and Absorption
—Needs to be hydrolyzed from proteins and nucleic acids by HCl, proteases, nucleases
—Mainly at proximal small intestine
—2 mechanisms
—Carrier mediated (ZIP 4)
—Diffusion at high intake
—Wide range: 20-60%
—Low intakes absorbed more efficiently
—Fe2+, Cu2+, Ca2+
compete for binding receptor sites​
—Citric acid
—Picolinic acid (from tryptophan)
—Certain amino acids (histidine, cysteine, lysine)
—Low Zn status
Zn Transport and Storage
—Zinc transport
—In blood bound to albumin --> liver
—After liver, transported on albumin and other plasma proteins—globulins, transferrin
—Found in all tissues, esp.
—Liver, kidney, muscle, skin, bones
—Also in soft tissues: muscle, brain ,heart, lung
—Soft tissue Zn doesn’t equilibrate with other Zn pools to release Zn if intake low
—Plasma Zn-containing enzymes and metallothionein provide Zn when intake low
How does Zn Interact with Other Nutrients?
—Vitamin A: Zn is required for alcohol dehydrogenase that converts retinol to retinal, and RBP
—low Zn --> decreased vitamin A mobilization from liver
—high Zn --> decreased Cu absorption
—high Zn --> decreased Ca absorption
—Cadmium --> decreased Zn function
—Folate digestion requires a Zn-dependent hydrolase
—Lead may replace Zn in an enzyme necessary for heme synthesis
study question
why does high Zn decreased Cu and Ca absorption?
Zn Functions
—Catalytic role
—Zinc is a component of many metalloenzymes
—Structural role
—Zinc finger motif helps stabilize protein structure
—Zinc also help maintain membrane structure
—Regulatory role
—Zinc finger proteins modulate gene expression
—Zinc also affects release of certain hormones
Zn Deficiency
—RDA has been established
—Risk factors
—Fast growth and pregnancy
—Chronic diseases, stress, trauma, surgery
—Malabsorption eg in Celiac Disease
—Varies symptoms includes
—Retarded growth in children
—Delayed sex maturation in children
Zn Toxicity
—Chronic high Zn intakes can lead to copper deficiency
—Acute toxicity
—Nausea, vomiting, bloody diarrhea,
—Abdominal cramps
Present as cuprous (Cu+) or cupric (Cu2+)
Richest in organ meat and shellfish
Some plant food is rich in copper
Cu Digestion and Absorption
—Cu+ and Cu2+ bind to organic compounds esp protein in food
—Need to be freed by HCl and pepsin in stomach and proteolytic enzymes in small intestine
—Can be absorbed in the stomach, but small intestine is the main site
—Like some other minerals
—Active transport (saturable carrier): DMT1
—Passive diffusion when concentrations high
—Some minerals
—Zn, Fe, Ca, Mo, P
—Antacids: neutralize HCl
Vitamin C
—Amino acids, esp. histidine, methionine, cysteine
—Acids: citrate, lactate, acetate, etc
Cu Transport and Storage
—<150 mg Cu stored in the body
—Mainly in liver, brain, and kidneys
—Within cells, Cu binds to amino acids, proteins, and chaperones
—Ceruloplasmin released from the liver is the major form of Cu in circulation
—Cu can also bind to other plasma protein such as albumin
Cu Functions
Iron Metabolsim
​—Ceruloplamin transports Cu in blood, and also serves as an oxidase and an antioxidant
This reaction is what coverts Fe to the form that can bind to transferrin
Antioxidant function
—Extracellular and cytosolic superoxide dismutase (SOD) is Cu- and Zn-dependent
Energy metabolism
—Cytochrome C oxidase contains Cu and functions in the terminal step of respiratory chain, transferring electrons to molecule oxygen to form water. This is critical for ATP synthesis in the mitochondria
Cu Deficiency
—RDA has been established
—Risk factors
—Infants fed only cow milk which is low in Cu
—Premature infants
—Hypochromic anemia that does not respond to iron supplement
—Anemia caused by impaired Fe mobilization due to low ceruloplasmin level
Cu Toxicity
—UL has been established
—Rare in the US
—Symptoms include abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea
—Wilson’s Disease (a genetic disorder)
—Cu accumulates in liver, kidneys, and brain
—Causes tissue damage
A metal element that exists in several oxidation states
Cr2- to Cr6+
Cr3+ most stable- probably most important in human body
—Food sources
—Brewer’s yeast
—Tea, beer, wine
—Meats (esp. organs), grains, cheese, mushrooms
—Apple, banana, orange and grape juices
—Spices (cinnamon, cloves, bay leaves, etc)
—Content affected by food processing and refining
Cr Absorption
—Absorption: exact mechanism unclear
—Organic form (eg. in Brewer’s yeast) is better absorbed
—Absorption enhanced by:
—Amino acids (methionine, histidine, phenylalanine)
—Vitamin C
—Absorption inhibited by
Cr Transportation and Storage
—Transported in blood bound to transferrin and albumin
—Large intakes may affect iron binding capacity
—Storage: thought to be stored with ferric iron because of its transport by transferrin.
—Tissues high in Cr:
—Kidney, Liver, Muscle, Spleen, Heart, Pancreas, Bone
Cr Functions
—Glucose Tolerance factor (GTF)
—Organic complex of Cr3+
—Insulin more effective in the presence of Cr
—Insulin binding to insulin receptor seems to bring more Cr into cell
—Cr affects kinase activity that influences IR
—Cr signals the translocation of GLUT4 to cell surface to enhance uptake of glc from blood
study question
explain the relationship between Cr and insulin receptors
Cr Deficiency
—AI has been established
—Risk factors
—Total parenteral nutrition
—Increased needs: stress, trauma, intense exercise
—Diseases such as diabetes and heart disease
—Signs and symptoms
—Weight loss
—Peripheral neuropathy
—Insulin resistance
Cr Toxicity
—Cr6+ is a known carcinogen for lung cancer if inhaled
—Cr3+ appear to be safe
—No UL has been established due to lack of evidence
—“Use with caution”
Non-metal element
Functions in its ionic form, iodide I-
Iodine contents in plants and animal products reflect Iodine level in the soil
Seafood is rich source
Including sea weeds
I Absorption
—Rapid, complete absorption throughout the whole GI
—Iodide absorbed more efficiently
—The thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) can be absorbed unchanged
I Functions
—Iodide is distributed in all tissues
—Thyroid gland contains 70% of total iodide
—Sodium-dependent active transport
—Thyroid gland uses iodine to synthesize thyroid hormones
—Thyroxine (T4)
—Triiodothyronine (T3)
I Deficiency
—RDA has been established
—Risk factors
—Living in regions where soil is deficiency in iodine
—Increased requirements (eg pregnancy, lactation)
—Goitrogens: compounds that interfere with iodine metabolism
Goiter, Cretinism, Hypothyroidism
—I deficiency --> I depletion in thyroid --> Decreased plasma T4 levels --> Increased TSH level --> Hyperplasia of thyroid gland
Thyroid gland can return to normal size if adequate I intake is restored
—Affect fetus
—Retarded mental development
—Retarded physical growth
—Deaf mutism
—Muscular rigidity
—Edema ( --> weight gain)
—Lassitude (lack of energy)
—Cold intolerance
I Toxicity
—UL has been established
—Acute toxicity
—Nausea, vomiting
—Burning of throat and the mouth
—Excessive iodine
—Can cause hyperthyroidism in individuals with chronic deficiency
—Can cause hypothyroidism in iodine sufficient people
In body exists at Mn2+ or Mn3+
Good sources include
Whole-grain cereals
Differs by plants
Processing affect Mn contents
Dried fruits and nuts
Leafy vegetables
Mn Absorption
—Limited information on Mn absorption
—Absorption rate is low an varies, often <5%
—Mn in tea is not well absorbed
—Women absorb more than men
—Mn from MnCl2 is absorbed more efficiently than Mn from plant foods
—Thought to be absorbed as divalent ion, Mn2+
—May involve DMT1
—The same transporter needed for iron absorption
—Iron, zinc, calcium
All three can form divalent ion, competing for DMT1
Mn Transport and Storage
—Mn2+ can be free in blood or bind to plasma proteins such as albumin and globulins
—Mn3+ Can bind to transferrin
—Another site to compete with Fe
—Rapidly cleared from blood and accumulates mainly in mitochondria
—Found in most tissues/organs
Highest in bone, liver, pancreas, and kidneys
Mn Functions
—At the molecular level, Mn, like other trace elements, can function both as an enzyme activator and as a constituent of metalloenzymes
—Mn binds to substrate or enzyme directly, inducing conformational changes.
—Enzymes from nearly all classes can be activated by Mn in this manner
—Activation of most of these enzymes, however, are not Mn specific; therefore, not affected by Mn deficiency
Mn Deficiency
—Generally does not develop in human unless deliberately eliminated from the diet
—Associated with striking and diverse physiological malfunctions
​Low levels of Mn is observed in certain chronic diseases. Studies indicate that Mn insufficiency might contribute to certain diseases.
—Nausea and vomiting
—Decreased growth of hair and nails
—Poor bone formation and skeletal defects
—Loss of equilibrium and neonatal ataxia
—Altered carbohydrate and lipid metabolism
Mn Toxicity
—Accumulation in brain leads to neurological abnormalities
—Can occur in people with liver failure
—Mn is excreted mainly via bile in the feces
—In neonates on total parenteral nutrition
—Lack of absorption control because nutrients are delivered to blood directly
—Inhalation leads to Parkinsonism-like symptoms
—High risk for certain professions, eg welders, workers at military factory factories (many weapon systems require Mn)
—AI and UL have been established​
A metal element that is primarily found as Mo4+ and Mo6+
Widespread among foods
True to many minerals, the levels in food are determined directly (in plants) or indirectly (in animal products) by the level in the soil.
Good sources: legumes, meats, fish, poultry, grains
Dairy and fruits are low in Mo
Mo Absorption, Transport and Storage
—Molybdate in foods does not appear to need digestion
—Absorption rate relatively high, 50~90%
—In blood, Mo bound to proteins (such as albumin) as molybdate
—Low tissue concentration
—Main storage sites: liver, kidneys, bone
Mo Functions
—Biological role of Mo centers around the redox function of the element
—The biological form of molybdenum, present in almost all molybdenum-containing enzymes (molybdoenzymes), is an organic molecule known as the molybdenum cofactor.
—Mo cofactor is needed by three enzymes in human body
—Sulfite oxidase
—catalyzes the final step in the metabolism of methionine and cysteine
—Xanthine Dehydrogenese and Xanthine Oxidase
—Catalyzes breakdown of DNA and RNA to form uric acid, contributing to anti-oxidant capacity in blood
—Aldehyde oxdiase
—Very similar to xanthine oxidase
Mo Deficiency
—RDA has been established
—Rare unless diet is rich in copper, sulfite, or tungstate
—Low Mo intakes have been associated with esophageal cancer in China
—Mainly squamous cell cancer
—Low blood uric acid
—High blood methionine, hypoxanthine, and xanthine
Mn Toxicity
—Relatively nontoxic
—Seen in people living in area with high Mo level in the soil or with high occupational Mo exposure
—Signs: increased blood uric acid levels è Gout
—UL has been established